Continuing Professional Development/CPD
The Institute has a programme of Continuing Professional Development to ensure that all members of every level develop their skills and keep abreast of changes in the law in order to offer a first-class service to their clients.
Other Courses
The Willwriting Academy Limited runs regular specialist courses on topics related to Wills, such as:
- Powers of Attorney
- Probate, Confirmation & Estate Administration
- Advising Elderly Clients
- Inheritance Tax Planning
- Care Home Fee Planning
All courses run by the Willwriting Academy Limited are open to non-members. Details of forthcoming events are published in the Diary area of this website.
Details of forthcoming events run by the Institute and by other selected recognised providers of legal training are published in the Diary area of this website
Members should be aware that not all training courses and not all training providers are acceptable providers of qualifying CPD. A list of approved providers can be downloaded here.
This does not mean that providers who are not on this list are not acceptable CPD providers but members should check with the Institute before booking training with a training provider who is not on this list.
All of the Willwriting Academy Ltd CPD courses have been accredited by the CPD Standards Office.